Databaseless Java-Native Persistence


EclipseStore is a breakthrough Java-native persistence layer built for cloud-native Java applications and microservices.
EclipseStore runs also on Android mobile, edge, and embedded devices. 

Latest Version 1.4.0.


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Ultra-fast In-Memory Data Processing

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Lowest Data Storage Costs in the Cloud

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Revolutionary Simple Development

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Synchronize Any Application Data 
Seamlessly With the Cloud

EclipseStore is a databaseless Java-native persistence layer built for cloud-native microservices and serverless systems. EclipseStore is the only data storage solution that uses the native Java object model instead of database-specific structure or format. It enables storing any Java object graph of any size and complexity transaction-safe seamlessly into any binary data storage such as plain files, persistent volumes or cloud object storage such as AWS S3. Micro snapshots of the object graph changes are regularly saved to the storage and the ACID transaction journal guarantees full consistency. Each snapshot is stored as a bytecode representation appended to the storage using the Eclipse Serializer's highly optimized byte format. Objects are retrieved from the storage and restored in memory fully automated by just accessing the objects in your object graph by calling getters. Lazy-Loading enables to run  EclipseStore also with low memory cpacity even lower than 1 GB. At system start, only object IDs are loaded into RAM. Related object references (subgraphs) are loaded into memory on-demand only. Using EclipseStore is simple and convenient. 

Java-native object graph  persistence layer

EclipseStore uses the native Java object model. No more database-specific data structure or format. No mappings or data conversion. No impedance mismatch.

Live mirroring of system state by creating micro snapshots

Snapshots of the object graph changes (the delta) are regularly serialized to disk transaction-safety and full consistent.

Warp-speed in-memory  data processing

Your Java object graph in RAM becomes an ultra-fast Java in-memory database providing microsecond response & query time by using Java Streams API.

Big memory is perfect, but works also with low memory

At smaller RAM size just keep hot data in RAM.  With lazy-loading you can restore only what's needed.

Waver-thin  persistence layer

Smallest persistence layer for Java. No magic. No heavy-weight dependencies. Pure-Java. Built for microservices & serverless.

Cloud-native data storage

Connect your Java apps and microservices seamlessly with cloud-native data storage services.

Open Source

EclipseStore is open-source under EPL (Eclipse Public License) 2.0.

Distributed &  highly scalable

Elastic horizontally scaling of EclipseStore apps is an enterprise feature provided by MicroStream.

Run everywhere

Runs wherever a JVM from Java 11 is available. On-prem, public cloud, containers, GraalVM native images, and Android devices.

Frameworks using EclipseStore

Fantastic Benefits

Extreme High-Performance

Ultra-fast in-memory data processing with up to 1000x faster queries.

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Lowest Data Storage Costs

Save up to 99% on cloud data storage costs annually.

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Revolutionary Simple

Radically simplifies & accelerates your entire development process.

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Free Java Object Model Design. 

EclipseStore lets you design your object model fully freely without any restrictions due to database-specific data models or formats. You can use and combine any Java type and use your object graph as a powerful multi-model data structure. You can also use circular references trouble-free, while the depth of your object graph is unlimited. Whatever your object model will look like, EclipseStore can store it. There are no specific design rules, just design your object model for best possible traversability.

Native Java object graphs

EclipseStore uses the native Java object model.

  • Any object graph structure
  • Number of objects is not limited
  • The depth of your object graph is not limited
  • Circular references are supported

Multi-model data structure

A Java object graph is a multi-model data structure.

  • Any Java types
  • Collections
  • Document formats  
  • Vectors
  • Custom types
  • Combine everything

No specific design rules

Design your object model freely. No restrictions by EclipseStore. 

  • No design restrictions
  • No limitations
  • Just apply common OO design

Some Code

Use Plain Java Objects. 
No Specific Requirements.
Beautiful Clean Code.

Your Java classes define your data model. With EclipseStore, there are no specific requirements to your classes. You can just use plain Java objects (POJOs). There is no need for specific superclasses, interfaces, annotations, mappings, or any other internal configurations.

  • Use plain Java objects (POJOs)
  • No superclass, interfaces, annotations
  • No other internal configurations required
  • All Java types supported
  • Using inheritance is trouble-free
public class Customer {

   private String firstname;
   private String lastname;
   private String email;
   private LocalDate dateOfBirth;
   private Boolean active;
   private Set<Order> orders;     
DataRoot root = EclipseStoreDemo.root();

Storing Objects 
ACID Transaction-Safe


To persist objects in the storage, you just have to call a simple store method. By default, EclipseStore persists only new and changed objects (the delta). You decide explicitly, if and when objects are persisted. The objects are stored in a binary file appended to the file storage. Every store an atomic all-or- nothing blocking operation which is ACID transaction-safe and full consistent.

  • Atomic all-or-nothing operation
  • Blocking operation
  • ACID transaction-safe
  • Full consistency
  • Append-log strategy
  • Micro snapshot to store latest changes (delta)
  • Rollback for operations on the object graph
  • High IO speed through Eclipse Serializer
  • Max IO speed by multithreaded IO ops 

Loading Subgraphs On-Demand Enables Using Lower RAM Sizes.

With lazy-loading, particular object references are loaded and restored in RAM only when accessed, otherwise, no memory is allocated. At any time, lazy references can also be cleared to reduce memory consumption. Objects that are not defined as lazy are automatically loaded into RAM at system startup.

  • Size and depth of lazy references are unlimited
  • Loaded object references are automatically merged into the object graph
  • Lazy references can be cleared
  • Working copies to simplify concurrency handling
  • Max IO speed with parallel IO ops
public class Customer {
  private Lazy<Set<Order>> orders;
  public Set<Order> getOrders() {
     return Lazy.get(this.orders);
  public void setOrders(final Set<Order> orders) {
     this.orders = Lazy.Reference(orders);
public class Customer {
  private Lazy<Set<Order>> orders;
  public Set<Order> getOrders() {
     return Lazy.get(this.orders);
  public void setOrders(final Set<Order> orders) {
     this.orders = Lazy.Reference(orders);

Searching & Filtering
in Microseconds

Instead of querying a remote database server, just search your object graph in memory by using Java Streams. The Streams API is an enormously powerful and fully typesafe Java API for searching object graphs highly efficiently. Searching even giant and complex object graphs by iterating thousands of nodes takes only microseconds.

  • No more database-specific query languages
  • Java Streams API
  • GraphQL
  • Type-safe query API
  • Ultra-fast in-memory execution
  • Creating custom indexes
  • Microsecond query time
  • Low-latency realtime responsiveness
  • Gigantic throughput and workloads

Convenient Schema Migration


With EclipseStore, changes to your classes are hassle-free and handled on the fly. If a loaded object no longer fits its corresponding class, the object will be adapted automatically. Simple cases are covered by a heuristic. For more complex cases, you can define a type mapping. Finally, the updated object has just to be persisted again to add a new object version to the storage. You can either keep older object versions or let EclipseStore remove them from the storage.

  • Field added
  • Field renamed
  • Field removed
  • Certain primitive type changes (int >> float)
  • Custom type handler for any changes
public class Customer {

   private String firstname;
   private String lastname;
   private String email;
   private LocalDate dateOfBirth;
   private Boolean active;
   private Set<Order> orders;     

Storage Garbage Collection


To min the required storage capacity, EclipseStore provides a garbage collection process to clean up the storage. Legacy object versions as well as corrupt files are constantly removed from the storage behind the scenes fully automated. The GC also reorganizes and defragments the storage to optimize read performance. The EclipseStore GC process is highly configurable.

Access Your Data: 
Easy. Transparent. Any Time. By Using Standards.

Access by external applications & services

With REST and GraphQL you can provide any external system easily access your in-memory data.


EclipseStore provides you with a web app as well as a REST interface to access your storage data for admin purposes.

Easy migration in both directions

By using CSV Import/Export or other converters, any data can be migrated at any time in both directions easily.

Data Storage Viewer


EclipseStore provides you a web interface with a hierarchical view on your data storage. You can use it to browse through you entire storage. As an alternative, EclipseStore provides you also a REST interface to get access to your storage.

For Micro Machine Images and Big-RAM Machines


EclipseStore runs on any machine. To run cloud-native microservices or serverless functions, you can run EclipseStore on micro machines. But, EclipseStore also runs on big RAM machines. The more RAM available, the better the performance. Using EclipseStore with modern JVMs, you can process up to 16 TB of data in memory trouble-free. Thus, the suited machine size only depends on your use case.

  • Loading data on-demand only
  • Fast startup time
  • Microservices & serverless approach
  • You can keep the whole database in RAM
  • Max performance
  • Lowest possible latency
  • Monolithic single node app approach

Distributed EclipseStore Apps with MicroStream Cluster

Build distributed EclipseStore apps & microservices with MicroStream Cluster, available as managed cloud service and on-prem. Note: MicroStream Cluster is a commercial add-on! 

  • Replication
  • Elastic horizontally scalable
  • Gigantic loads & throughput
  • Low latency & realtime data
  • High availability & resilience
  • Enterprise-grade security & support
  • Simple setup  & maintenance
  • Available as SaaS or On-Prem


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Supported Storages


EclipseStore stores your Java object graph in a binary format and enables you basically to use any data storage. EclipseStore comes with various data storage connectors.

Use any JVM Technology


EclipseStore Project

Community support without any guarantees or claims.

  • Open Source
    EclipseStore is under EPL 2.0 (Eclipse Public License). You may use EclipseStore for any commercial purposes and closed-source software.
  • Updates
    Updates are only provided for the current major release.
  • Issues & feature requests
    On GitHub  Issues, no guarantees, claims or binding response  time.
  • Questions & Answers
    On GitHub Discussions, no binding response time, not official support channel.

Enterprise Support

Recommended for mission-critical applications and software products. Provided by MicroStream.

  • Long-term update warranty
    • EclipseStore updates for all major releases for 4 years
    • Eclipse Serializer format support for 10 years
  • First-class development support
    Ticket system, hotline, code reviews, consulting, implementation service, training courses & coaching
  • Enterprise-grade security
  • Hotfixes
  • Production support (24/5, 24/7)

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